Tamil actor Dhanush has joined hands with ace Telugu filmmaker Shekhar Kammula for a ‘Pan-Indian’ project titled ‘Kubera’. Akkineni Nagarjuna will be seen in a key supporting role, while Rashmika Mandanna is cast as the female lead. This project is currently in the production phase in Mumbai.
Having said that, the first major piece of promotional content is going to be out very soon. As officially announced by the makers, Kubera’s teaser will be released on May 2, 2024.
The film is already carrying a good buzz due to its cast, crew, and first-look poster. ‘Rock Star’ Devi Sri Prasad will compose the film’s background score and songs, while ‘Asian Group’ is bankrolling this project on a grand scale in association with Amigos Creations Pvt. Ltd.