Kollywood star Dhanush took to social media to announce his divorce to Aishwarya Rajinikanth a while ago. The ‘Karnan’ actor has requested privacy towards his family and has asked fans and followers to respect their decision.
This news has shocked fans and film lovers alike who have seen the couple grow professionally over the last decade and a half. The couple got married in 2004 and have two sons Yatra and Linga. Aishwarya made her directorial debut with Dhanush and Shruti Haasan starrer ‘3’ in 2012. The movie was critically acclaimed and became a musical hit.
Aishwarya also shared the same note on her Instagram profile. She posted “No caption needed… only your understanding n your love necessary!“
On the work front, the National Award winning actor is extremely busy with films lined up across industries. His Bollywood film ‘Atarangi Re’ released recently while he is shooting for the Hollywood film ‘The Grey Men’ co-starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling.
Back in Tamil cinema, he has the prestigious ‘Thiruchitrambalam’ and ‘Maaran’ coming up and his Tollywood bilingual film ‘Sir’ (Vaathi) was also launched recently.