Earlier this year Kollywood star Dhanush and his director wife Aishwarya Rajinikanth shocked fans with their plans to get divorced. The couple even released statements on Instagram and requested privacy on the matter. Dhanush and Aishwarya got married in 2004 and are parents to two kids, Yatra Raja and Linga Raja.
Nearly 10 months after their announcement, fans of the star couple have a reason to celebrate. As per reports, the couple has decided to take a step back from their divorce. Reportedly, both of their families had a meeting at Superstar Rajinikanth’s residence, where it was decided that the couple should try to make things work and sort out their marriage issues. However, there’s no official statement from either of them.
Dhanush and Aishwarya Rajinikanth on January 18 shared a statement that read, “18 years of togetherness as friends, couple, as parents and well-wishers to each other. The journey has been of growth, understanding, adjusting, and adapting… Today we stand at a place where our paths separate… Aishwaryaa and I have decided to part ways as a couple and take time to understand us as individuals for the better. Please do Respect our decision and give us the needed privacy to deal with this.”