Tamil Actor Dhanush has been in the news for his divorce rumors with his wife Aishwarya Rajinikanth. Fans and the Audience were stunned to hear the news of both separating officially. The ex-couple confirmed the same through their social media posts. They have been in a relationship as wife and husband for over 17 years. Now Dhanush and Aishwarya have applied for an official divorce through law before the court.
Dhanush has never been in a controversy until #Suchileaks happened. He was alleged as having relationship with Singer Suchitra during this incident. This shocked his fans and audiences as well. Dhanush even came out to give his explanation then. We don’t know if this had led to the divorce or something happened between the ex-couple. But they chose to separate two years ago itself but didn’t approach the court for the same.
On the work front, Dhanush last worked for Captain Miller which did well during Sankranthi season and Aishwarya made a film, Lal Salaam with her father Rajinikanth which ended up as a disaster. Dhanush has also released a first look poster of his upcoming film, Raayan directed by himself. The film also features Sandeep Kishan in a pivotal role.