Kollywood Actor Dhanush and his ex-wife and also daughter of Tamil Actor Rajinikanth, Aishwarya Rajinikanth parted ways with each other announcing it publicy few years ago. This came as a shocker to many as the couple had been married for nearly 18 years. The ex-couple has also applied for a formal divorce before the court and now they have both appeared befor the court for the same.
Both the personalities appeared alongwith their lawyers before the court. It is also speculated that both have formally agreed before the court for the parting as a mutual consent. The Court has also recorded their statements and will be delivering the judgement on November 27th. There have been rumours about a possible re-union of the ex-couple but their presence at the court has buried these officially.
This is definitely a disappointing news to both the personalities’ fans. The reason behind the divorce is also not known yet. Anyways, fans expect both to have a comfortable life ahead which was also hoped from the ex-couple. Dhanush also recently came to the forefront in a controversy with Actress Nayanthara for a copyright allegation of their film, Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.