Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has shared the dance floor with ‘Rock Star’ Devi Sri Prasad for a fun item number from Pushpa: The Rise. In a video posted by the latter via Instagram, the duo were seen dancing to the tunes of the iconic ‘Oo Antava’ song. The video went viral on the Internet in no time.
For those wondering where these energetic duos have met, it is at the grand reception of Aishwarya, the daughter of legendary filmmaker Shankar. Needless to say, Ranveer is signed to play the lead role in the Hindi adaptation of Shankar’s cult blockbuster Anniyan (2005).
On the other hand, Devi Sri Prasad is awaiting the release of the first single from the film Pushpa: The Rule. One of the biggest Indian films of the year, Pushpa-2, is slated for a grand release in August 2024.