Devara, the latest film of NTR and Koratala Siva is setting the box office on fire. The film even with its average mouth talk has shaken the box office by minting more than 200 crores at the box office in 2 days. But Day 2 i.e,. Saturday’s noon shows saw a drop and collections were close to 15 crore share in Telugu States including GST. Advance bookings for today i.e,. Sunday were lesser than Saturday’s. But Devara witnessed a box office boom today.
Trade expected Sunday’s shows revenue to be lesser considering the advance bookings on Saturday. But surprisingly Devara witnessed a massive walk-ins at start of the shows. Starting from Noon shows, the film trended on an extraordinary note. In many stations, the noon shows witnessed more than 50% of Saturday’s noon show occupancies. Because of this, many extra shows and theatres were added for the remaining shows.
Today Devara will definitely post bigger numbers than Saturaday’s in Telugu States. The second shows will decide how big the margin it had. Devara will literally set the box office on fire with the weekend performance. The recovery will be more than 75% after the end of the weekend. The film will definitely touch the 400 crore mark with Dussehra holidays coming in the next weekend.