The most awaited trailer of Devara starring NTR released today on YouTube. The trailer showcased the theme of the film. NTR shined in the dual roles throughout the trailer and Saif Ali Khan also looked ferocious. Prakash Raj too played a pivotal role in the film contributing as the narrator for the trailer as well. The Director Koratala Shiva has delivered this to the fans and audience as it appeals.
The trailer was launched in Mumbai with a press meet on a grand note. The father character played by NTR was shown ferociously whereas the son’s role was quite opposite. The son’s role will obviously turn ferocious than the father’s at a certain point of time which would be the highlight of Devara. This happens in commecial cinema often. The visuals also depicted the same from the trailer.
The trailer promised a mass commercial film blended with large size VFX elements around sea backdrop taking into a new world. The Background Music composed by Anirudh Ravichander worked well and is also getting praise for blending rightly with the feel of Devara. Dialogues raised further expectation on the film. Koratala Shiva once again has showed his strong zone by writing powerful and meaningful dialogues. Devara is slated for release on September 27th worldwide.
Watch Trailer in other languages here with these links