Devara is rocking the box office with its sensational performance. The film has already grossed more than 300 crores worldwide till now. Devara’s Telugu version theatrical rights are valued at 160 crores share and the film has collected close to that within the first week of its performance itself. Telugu Version will be hitting the 150 crore share mark in Telugu version including GST in Coastal Andhra and Nizam territories.
Only few films have achieved this milestone. Baahubali was the first film to collect 150 crore share mark in Telugu version. After Baahubali, Baahubali 2, Ala Vaikuntapurramulo, RRR, Salaar and Kalki 2898 AD have achieved this milestone till now. Devara will be the 7th film to have achieved this milestone. This weekend’s performance will be big with Dussehra holidays starting from this week.
The performance of Devara during these days will decide whether Devara would touch the 200 croremark as well in the full run. The film has also grossed more than 50 crores in Hindi version which is also a good run so far. Devara is expected to go close to 100 crores gross in Hindi version as well.