Devara starring NTR is all set for a grand release tomorrow. The Telugu version bookings are trending beyond everyone’s expectations in all the territories and set for 100 crore+ opening. Advance bookings have already reached the 75 crore mark already. But Devara’s performance in other languages looks slow and underwhelming.
Devara may have a decent opening in other language territories. Advance bookings confirm this as well but they don’t look well. Occupancies are extremely low offering no big opening on Day 1 there. In Telugu language, a decent word of mouth is enough for the film to achieve break even mark and bring the Audience in a large number. But other language market needs good content and word of mouth for box office performance.
Anirudh Ravichander, Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan stand as the hope for other language market audience. But they haven’t succeeded in pulling the audience to the theatres as seen from these advance bookings. For a film aiming to become a Pan Indian sensation, other language audience are surely necessary. We have to wait and see if they come to the theatres after the reviews and word of mouth come better. For all these, tomorrow is the deciding day.