Devara current film of Tollywood Actor Jr. NTR is enjoying great buzz. It is also made on a high budget with all Pan India feel directed by Koratala Shiva. The Director had tasted a big set back with his previous outing, Acharya. Acharya became one of the biggest disasters in Tollywood’s history and an embarrassment as well. Everyone thought Koratala Shiva had to go through a touch situation but he grabbed opportunity with Jr. NTR for Devara and now Devara is already making table profits for the makers involved.
The budget for the first part of Devara is said to be in the range of 350 crores. Half of the recovery is done from non-theatrical rights itself. The digital rights of all languages are bought by leading OTT Giant, Netflix. Audio rights are with T Series and TV Satellite rights are with Star Maa.
Coming to the theatrical part, business is in the range of 110 crores. Overseas with 27 crores and Rest of India’s business is in the range of 70 crores. With these, producers have entered the table profit zon. If the film works well, then they can get theatrical overflows as profits and the part 2 business will be a jackpot for the makers.