Devara starring NTR is having a great run at the box office stunning all trade analysts. Devara’s Telugu version theatrical rights are valued at 160 crores and the film has achieved breakeven mark yesterday. Now, with this, Rajamouli’s curse has been broken by Devara becoming a clean hit. Devara has witnessed a big jump on yesterday and registered big housefulls in Telugu States.
The film will definitely have a rampage in the next weekend with Dussehra holidays lined up. Next weekend’s numbers will be bigger than this weekend’s numbers. Telugu version’s full run is also expected to go in the range of 180 crores. But Devara has utterly failed in Tamil version. Kerala it’s a own release, but the numbers are very minimal. Karnataka’s performance was good for the film whereas Hindi being the relief. By today, Hindi version’s nett go near 50 crores.
Another 10 crores is all that the film needs to achieve the breakeven mark in Hindi market. Overall, Devara is a commercial success worldwide. The worldwide gross has also crossed 365 crores and the film is heading towards the 400 crore mark.