Devara starring NTR has opened to a stunning reception from the fans and audience. The film had a sensational opening in Telugu States as well as in Hindi language market. It opened with a 7.5 crore Nett in Hindi which is an excellent number. Advance bookings of the film in Hindi were actually below par but the film witnessed massive walk-ins for evening and night shows. All these indicate that Devara is heading towards a Pan India blockbuster.
Today’s advance bookings also look better than the opening day’s. If the same momentum continues then the film will definitely reach 100 crore+ share in full run for the Telugu version. Devara’s Telugu version has also now started on a strong note for Day 2. The film also has a long weekend advantage and Dussehra holidays slated for next week. Devara will surely rock the box office with these advantages.
The film has already become the Non Rajamouli record opener in Telugu version on Day 1. It also has all chances of putting big numbers for the weekend as well. NTR and Director Koratala Siva can breathe in relief with this amazing response for the film. The team has also conducted a success meet yesterday itself marking the thunderous response for the Day 1.