Hero Siddharth’s latest film Chinna (Chithha In Tamil) was released on October 6th and received an exceptional response. Siddharth had done aggressive promotions, and he also got emotional at a promotional event and told that he struggled to find a distributor for his film to release in Telugu and finally Asian Suniel has released the film. Despite excellent reviews, Chinna, the film, failed to attract audiences to theaters.
The film has released a week back in Tamil and got positive reviews and word of mouth, and it is doing well in Tamil. While in Telugu, it got released on the last weekend and opened with positive reviews, but still, the audience does not show much interest in watching Siddharth’s film.
The numbers are very low as even at the Multiplexes also the film did not work and very less number of audiences have watched the film in Telugu. But In Tamil, it works good on the 2nd weekend as well.
The film’s story is about Eeshwar who looks after his family after his elder brother’s death, and he is very fond of his elder brother’s daughter. He is also very close to his brother’s daughter’s friend, Munni, but accidentally, he faces allegations of abusing her. Then the story takes many turns.
The film is directed by S U Arun Kumar, which has emotions and thrilling elements was released on September 28th and has received praise from both critics and audiences alike.