The latest flick from Marvel Studios and the third installment in the Deadpool franchise, Deadpool & Wolverine, hit the big screens last Friday amidst high expectations. After a positive response from audiences, it posted a solid INR 21 crore net at the Indian box office.
Expectedly, the film performed even better on the second day, posting INR 23 crore net; in terms of gross, this action comedy minted a staggering INR 50 crore. This is a superb start for the film considering its ‘A’ certification. The film is expected to see a further jump on Sunday cumilating a 1st weekend gross of INR 70 crore.
The film is driving its major source of income from South India. If it carries the same mommentum into the second week as well, it is very likely to achieve a lifetime gross of INR 200 crore. Deadpool & Wolverine stars Ryan Renyolds and Hugh Jackman in their iconic superhero roles.