Superstar Rajinikanth recently faced a dull period and made a strong comeback with Jailer. The movie created a new benchmark for Kollywood and it was the 1st 500Cr+ grosser Tamil language. Jailer collected 625Cr gross in all languages combined and emerged as 2023’s biggest South Indian grosser. Even films like Leo and Salaar failed to beat this.
While enjoying this massive peak, Rajinikanth was hit big by a daughter stroke. His daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth directed Lal Salaam and Rajinikanth plays a crucial role in the film. The film did not receive any appreciation and is heading towards a huge disaster. In Telugu, it was a complete washout. Even in Tamil, it is heading towards big failure.
After a below-par opening, the film failed to take a jump on the weekend and even saw big drops in the next few days. Overall in all languages, the film just collected close to 20Cr gross on weekenda and today it completely crashed. Rajinikanth puts his stardom at a big risk with this extended cameo in Lal Salaam. If any star fails to pull minimum audiences to theatres, it will be a huge setback for them. And after the massive high of Jailer, Lal Salaam is indeed a huge shock.