Srikanth Odela shot to fame in Tollywood with his superb work behind the scenes in Sukumar’s Rangasthalam. The star director who is also Srikanth’s mentor, appreciated his protegee’s work in front of everyone during the Rangasthalam pre-release event.
Srikanth’s debut film Dasara was released early this year amidst positive reviews and solid openings. The film became a major hit and got Nani his career-best collections and Dasara has emerged as a successful debut for the young director. Even before Dasara’s release, many stars were impressed and showed their interest in working with him. After Dasara’s release he got very good offers from stars.
Several stars have asked him to come up with full scripts. But the industry buzz is that Srikanth Odela has not come up with any full scripts so far. Normally, the new directors have a lot of full scripts and ideas but the current situation of Srikanth is quite surprising. It appears that the young director wants to take his time and come up with something more exciting than Dasara and give a bigger hit.