Bollywood Actress, Janhvi Kapoor is the female lead of Devara starring NTR. The film has been carrying great hype and songs released till now took it further more. The second single, Chuttamalle became a big chartbuster showcasing Janhvi Kapoor beautifully. She received instant reception among the audience for her beauty and mesmerizing looks. But third single, Daavudi which released yesterday brought no praise for Janhvi Kapoor.
The song attracted criticism for being a rehashed version of Music Director Anirudh’s earlier compositions. Along with this, NTR’s dance movements too didn’t click well with the fans and audience. They looked repetitive and not so impressive. But no one talked about Janhvi Kapoor’s movements in the song. She was completely sidelined and no one hardly gave her any credit.
Chuttamalle was something else and brought great praise for her overall. But Daavudi ended up being a normal song. Fans and Audience wait for the upcoming songs after the disappointment of Daavudi. No one knows if there could be one more song in the film. Devara is slated for release on September 27th. The trailer will also be planned ahead of the release mostly in the pre-release event. NTR is hoping big to score a Pan India blockbuster with the film.