Malayalam crime thriller film, Bougainvillea is now streaming in Telugu. The film stars Fahadh Faasil in the lead role alongside Jyothirmayi in the female lead role. The film received okayish word of mouth also becoming a decent success. The team now hopes of a good OTT response from the audience.
Bougainvillea will be streaming from today on Sony Liv in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages.
Directed by Amar Neerad, the film is an investigation thriller surrounding mysterious disappearance of tourists in Kerala linked to a family. The film also marks the comeback of Actress Jyothirmayi after a 11 year break. Fahadh Faasil on the other hand plays the role of ACP who investigates the cases.
Fahadh Faasil recently met the audience with his Pushpa 2 and the film is currently rocking the box office worldwide. It has also grossed the coveted 1000 crores gross worldwide. This will be a happy news for the Actor.