Home Movie News Creative differences between Dhanush and Sekhar Kammula ?

Creative differences between Dhanush and Sekhar Kammula ?

It is very well known to everyone that Tamil star hero Dhanush and Telugu director Sekhar Kammula had signed a film, and it was officially announced in 2021, and it was reported that the film will start the shooting from early 2022 but still, there is no update on this film. The fans were really excited about this interesting combination and wanted the film to start the works soon, but it looks like they are in for a major disappointment as it is being reported that there are creative differences emerged between Dhanush and Sekhar Kammula.

According to the latest reports from the Industry circles, it is said there have been some differences cropped between Dhanush and Sekhar Kammula regarding the script of the film, which is why the film’s progress is taking the time. In the recent times, these creative differences between hero and director are happening continuously.

The official announcement of the film in the combination of this marvelous actor and an efficient director was done way back 2021 by the production house Sri Venkateswara Cinemas.

Dhanush is currently working on Captain Miller, which is said to be a period drama set against the backdrops of the 1930-40s. The film will be released simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. The team of the film took one year time to the extensive pre-production work.

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