Court clears legal issues on Ravi Teja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao. Earlier the High Court served Notice To Tiger Nageswara Rao Producer. A PIL had been filed in the AP High Court that the film hurt the sentiments of Stuartpuram Villagers/Community.
After that, The High Court also asked CBFC how a teaser was released without Censor and stated that no release would be possible without PIL clearance. This happened a few days back, and there has been tension around this as the release date comes closer.
Now that the producer confirms all the court issues are cleared, the movie will have a smooth release in theatres. Ravi Teja fans were worried about the film’s release but now all ended on a happy note as the Court cleared legal issues on Ravi Teja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao.Tiger Nageswara Rao is based on true rumors and stars Ravi Teja, Anupam Kher, Renu Desai, Jisshu Sengupta, Murali Sharma, and leading ladies Gayatri Bhardwaj and Nupur Sanon. The team was involved in aggressive promotions across India, especially in north India, where they participated more. Because the Court clears legal issues on Ravi Teja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao the makers will be more than happy.
This pan-Indian film starring Ravi Teja, directed by Vamsee and produced by Abhishek Agarwal under the brand of Abhishek Agarwal Arts, is planned to be released in theaters on October 20, 2023, and is a Reliance Entertainment release in North India.