Mega Star Chiranjeevi has teamed up with most successful director Koratala Siva after a Pan India film Sye Raa. Recently the film unit has unveiled the title along with a motion poster on Chiranjeevi’s birthday.
The motion poster carries the main theme of the film and allegation regarding the story has been raised. A writer named Anil Krishna says that the story of Acharya is written by him. The writer says that his story has been titled as PunyaBhoomi and registered this in Writers Association in 2006 itself. These type of copy allegations were raised several times earlier on several films. Should see how Koratala Siva and his writers unit respond to this allegation.
Kajal Aggarwal is the lead actress in this film and Mani Sharma is composing music for this film. Acharya is being bankrolled under Konidela Productions in association with Matinee Entertainments which will hit the screen in Summer 2021.