Prime Video’s widely anticipated web series, Citadel Honey Bunny, officially aired on November 7, 2024, expanding the Citadel universe into India with a distinct 90s storyline. This Indian spin-off, directed by Raj and DK and executive produced by the Russo Brothers, immerses audiences into the world of action, and intrigue.
Citadel Honey Bunny, starring Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu, explores the past of Priyanka Chopra’s character Nadia’s parents. Dhawan and Prabhu play Bunny, a stuntman, and Honey, an aspiring actress, who become involved in the perilous world of espionage. What starts off as a “side gig” quickly becomes a life-changing mission, drawing them into a high-stakes labyrinth of espionage and betrayal.
The plot starts up years after their initial adventure, as the now-separated Honey and Bunny are compelled to reconcile when their pasts endanger their daughter, Nadia. This series expands Nadia’s character by revealing her family’s intricate espionage legacy.
Citadel Honey Bunny is now available on Amazon Prime Video in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam, with audiences reacting warmly to its unique blend of action and drama. The show’s nostalgic 90s setting and compelling storyline have sparked widespread interest, making it a must-see addition to the Citadel universe.