Following the debacle of Tenet (2020), Christopher Nolan made a strong comeback into mainstream cinema with the biographical drama film Oppenheimer (2023). Starring Colin Murphy in the titular role, it narrates the story of American theorist Julius Robert Oppenheimer, who’s known for developing the first nuclear weapons.
Releasing in July last year, the action thriller film received highly positive reviews from critics, with particular praise for Nolan’s direction, visuals, musical score, and performances by the cast. With a closing figure of $960 million, it emerged as the highest-grossing biographical film of all time. It performed fairly well in India, too. For those who’ve missed this big-screen spectacle in theatres, here’s how you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home. Jio Cinema, which bought the film’s streaming rights in India for an undisclosed price, has scheduled the release date for March 21, 2024.
Produced by Syncopy and Atlas Entertainment, the film also features Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., and Florence Pugh in supporting roles. Based on the biographical novel American Prometheus (2005), the film chronicles the career of Oppenheimer, focusing on his studies, the direction of the Manhattan Project during World War II, and his eventual fall from grace due to his 1954 security hearing.