In a bizarre turn of events, choreographer and director, Amma Rajashekar has fired shots at Nithin over the actor’s absence at the pre-release event of his film ‘Hi-Five’. During the pre-release event of Hi-five, Amma Rajashekar held no words back, as he openly fired at Nithin.
Rajashekar stated, “I called Nithin to attend the pre-release event of my film. He said that he will come so I believed him. I watched all of his films and gathered the best moments to prepare an audio-visual. I haven’t had proper food or sleep in the last 10 days to prepare this AV.”
He went on to add, “I have helped Nithin in his early days. He did not know how to dance even one step, I thought him how to dance. However high you rise in life, you should never forget your Gurus. If you don’t want to come, just say No.”
Amma Rajashekar was seen visibly upset at the event and stated that he was upset at Nithin. “We will meet sometime in the future, then we will talk”, he concluded.