Megastar Chiranjeevi has spearheaded the Corona Crisis Charity (CCC) last year which was intended to help the film workers and small artists in distressing times. Chiranjeevi himself donated One Crore Rupees and all other actors, directors, producers made big contributions.
The ‘Acharya’ actor has been busy with a number of charitable works ever since Covid stuck. He set up the CCC to take care of the emergency needs of all the cine workers. Recently, he provided financial assistance to the family of anchor TNR. He also extended a helping hand to senior actress Pavala Shyamala who has been battling health issues along with a financial crunch.
Last year, CCC supplied 50 kgs worth of groceries for four months for nearly 40,000 workers. Now the Megastar has started a mega vaccination drive to the Telugu Film workers at his Chiranjeevi Eye & Blood Bank premises in association with Apollo 24/7.
Chiranjeevi who has been doing a lot of philanthropic activities with his Eye and Blood Bank recently also established Oxygen Banks in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana addressing the Oxygen shortage in the COVID second wave, also thousands of Oxygen Concentrators to the needy.