Mega Star Chiranjeevi set a benchmark with his comeback film KhaidiNo150. Since then, no senior star has come close to his box office records, and he continues to surpass his own numbers. Finally, Venkatesh is breaking that record with Sankranthiki Vasthunam and setting a new target for seniors.
At the moment, Waltair Veerayya with around 130 Cr share is biggest box office success among senior heroes. Sankranthiki Vasthunnam is definitely beating this and we just need to wait and watch to see how big the margin is going to be.
This year both Chirnajeevi and Balakrishna will be looking to break this. Chirnajeevi with Viswmbhara and Balakrishna with Akhanda sequel have high possibilities to surpass this number as both the projects have created solid buzz and heavy expectations among audience. For now, the race is on between Chiru, Balayya and Venky.