Tollywood Actor, Pawan Kalyan also leads a political party, Janasena. His party became successful recently in AP Assembly Elections and subsequently Pawan Kalyan became the Deputy Chief Minister of AP. He attended a gathering today where he spoke that one Chiranjeevi’s film stopped him from becoming Home Minister. This became very interesting now.
Pawan Kalyan said that people wanted him to take charge as Home Minister but instead opted for Gram Panchayat Ministry and Deputy CM post. He referred to Rudraveena, a film of Chiranjeevi which was inspired from Anna Hazare who revolutioned his hometown being a Sarpanch there. His lifestory was made as a film with Rudraveena. Now, Pawan Kalyan said that if we follow the same principles of Anna Hazare then we can tranform every panchayat and develop the state on a whole.
So this was the reason behind Pawan Kalyan choosing Gram Panchayat Ministry. Many wondered why he didn’t choose Home Ministry but now the Actor cum politician answered their doubt. The Actor is currently busy with his political activities and he will start shooting for his upcoming films soon. OG is already in line and Hari Hara Veera mallu, Ustaad Bhagat Singh will also begin shooting soon.