Chiranjeevi’s failure affected me in politics, says Pawan Kalyan. Janasena Party Chief Pawan Kalyan’s latest comments against his brother Chiranjeevi have raised considerable controversy among the mega fans. Pawan stated that no one believed him since his brother could not stay loyal to the public in 2009 when Chiranjeevi merged his party in Congress.
So, as per Pawan Kalyan, people cannot believe him or his words as a leader due to the failure of Chiranjeevi. It is widely known that Megastar Chiranjeevi launched a political party called ” Praja Rajyam” and merged it into the Indian National Congress Party in 2009. It was a shocking decision for many. Chiranjeevi’s failure affected me in politics, says Pawan Kalyan.
The Chiranjeevi fans are not at all happy with these comments as Pawan’s remarks directly point towards Chiranjeevi’s failure in politics as he merged Praja Rajyam into
Congress. Pawan Kalyan said that his Janasena Party is unable to have a big success in politics because of that. He stated that if not for the 2009 fiasco, the Janasena Party would have formed the Government as an independent Party.
Megastar fans are enraged as Pawan Kalyan said Chiranjeevi’s failure has affected him. Mega fans criticizing Pawan say that because of Chiranjeevi, he has become a big star.