Megastar Chiranjeevi’s new film Bhola Shankar is all set to be released on August 11th, I.e, this Friday. The film has probably the lowest buzz not only for a Chiranjeevi’s film, but even if we take the other films in consideration, it has weak hype. The film being a remake of 10-year-old Tamil film and the director, Meher Ramesh’s name has made the audiences to doubt about the film’s content. Also, the producers’ financial issues with his previous film’s distributor and the latest political turmoil raging because of the Chiranjeevi’s statements all have added to the negativity around Bhola Shankar.
Generally, Chiranjeevi is seen very active with the media interaction, and he makes the whole atmosphere of press meets filled with entertainment. However, it seems it is not the same case with Bhola Shankar, as he has skipped the press interviews and Q&A session for the film.
For his previous films like Waltair Veerayya, and God father Chiranjeevi had attended a lot of press interviews, Q&A sessions with the press and young directors, but this time he skips this entire process. Maybe he would have thought that the press will ask some unnecessary questions which are related to politics and remake films, so avoided them altogether.
Bhola Shankar is slated to be released worldwide on August 11. Directed by Meher Ramesh, the film is a remake of the Tamil blockbuster Vedalam. Keerthy Suresh plays the role of Chiranjeevi’s sister in the movie, which is set against the backdrop of Kolkata, banking on brother and sister relationship and Tamannaah plays the female lead. Sushant plays a key role. Anil Sunkara has produced the film on the AK Entertainments banner.