Tollywood Actor, Chiranjeevi was seen pushing a fan away at an Airport. The Actor was coming out of the elevator and a fan, reportedly the staff of Indigo approached him for a selfie. The fan started walking with the Actor for a distance as well. Chiranjeevi then just pushed the guy and went away. This didn’t go well with the netizens on social media platforms.
Recently the same incident happened to another Tollywood Actor, Nagarjuna. An airport staff member wanted to take a selfie with the Actor and approached him. He was thrown away by the security guards. Nagarjuna was trolled badly for this act and his negligence towards the fan getting treated badly. But he soon realized the mistake and met him personally. He even offered the fan a selfie afterwards.
It remains to be seen what happens with Chiranjeevi now. Netizens, as said are not okay with the behaviour of the Actor. They didn’t like the actor pushing the guy himself. The Actor once called the fans Stupid fellows for irritating him at an audio launch event. No apology was issued from his side then. It may happen even now in this case. It’s better if people refrain from taking selfies with Actors.