Megastar Chiranjeevi and Radhika worked together as lead pair in many movies. The hit pair gave a lot of hits in 90’s. The super hit pair worked together in movies like ‘Goodachari No.1’, ‘Puli- Bebbuli’, ‘Jwala’, ‘Hero’, ‘Abhilasha’, ‘Patnam Vachina Pativrathalu’, ‘Mondi Ghatam, and many others in the past. Now they are coming together again for a movie. But this time not as a lead pair but as a producer and hero.
Actress Radhika Sarathkumar in twitter has announced a big project with megastar Chiranjeevi. Radhika is delighted to announce the project and stated that she is now looking forward to making a blockbuster with the King of Mass.
It is known that Chiru and Radhika are very good friends. The friends often meet each other with their families and maintain a very healthy relation. So Chiru accepting to work with Radhika under Radaan media works is not a surprise. But the fans are curious to know about the other details about the project.