For a few days, there was a strong report that Megastar Chiranjeevi planned a film with Kalyan Krishna. It is very well known that Chiranjeevi is currently working on Bhola Shankar under the direction of Meher Ramesh. The film is all set to be released on August 11, 2023. After completing this film’s shooting, Chiranjeevi was about to start the film with Kalyan Krishna and release the film for Sankranthi.
However, according to the latest reports, Chiranjeevi is now almost out of the Sankranthi 2024 race. It is true that he planned the film for Sankranthi, but the project is said to be taking more time than expected to go on sets. So, it looks like Chiranjeevi coming for Sankranthi is impossible and his film with Kalyan Krishna might move to summer.
Chiranjeevi has taken a lot of time and heard several scripts after Waltair Veerayya. Along with Kalyan Krishna, he has accepted the Bimbisara director Mallidi Vasishta’s film as well. It is being said that he will work on these two movies simultaneously.
Mallidi Vasishta’s project is expected to be announced officially in a few days. This film, rumored to be titled as Mulloka Veerudu will be a socio-fantasy project and will be backed by UV creations. This project fits perfectly in Mega Star’s plans of working with smaller directors with a good track record. He is in no mood to take risk by making big budget mythological with Star Directors.