Acharya starring Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan opened to disastrous talk and is heading towards the biggest ever disaster in recent times. Acharya directed by Koratala Shiva, had no initial buzz but many expected the film to do good with the film being a Mega multistarrer. The film however disappointed all big time. Losses stand at 50% or more than in almost all the centers.
The film has seen huge drops on Day 2. It has earned a single digit share on its Day 2 with the share being close to 4.7 crores which is very very shocking for a Mega multi-starrer film. The film is also on its way to make an 80 cr loss. The theatrical values of the film are at 133 crores worldwide. Now this came as a major shocker for Chiranjeevi who now wants to release his upcoming Godfather immediately.
Normally when a hero scores a disaster, they will take to come out of it and take some gap. But Chiranjeevi is planning to release his next film, Godfather immediately it seems. He wants to release Godfather in the second week of August. Apart from Acharya, his upcoming films Godfather and Bholaa Shankar are remakes of Luficer and Vedhalam. It has to be seen how this would fare.