Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan is riding high on the success of his political outfit, Janasena scoring good numbers in AP Assembly Elections. He celebrated this success with his family members including his elder brother, Chiranjeevi. All the family members waited for Pawan Kalyan to arrive and congratulated him on this success.
Now, Chiranjeevi seems to be giving a party for Pawan Kalyan after being impressed with his success. He would host this big party for Pawan Kalyan and some of the members of his party. Mega Family and some industry-related people might even attend this party. Many celebrities even came forward and tweeted about the success of Pawan Kalyan openly.
It should be seen if Pawan Kalyan accepts this. He might even start shooting for his films which were kept under curtains for some time. They Call him OG, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, and Ustaad Bhagat Singh will see some traction in the shoot. OG is also tentatively scheduled to be released in September this year. The other two films might also be released within the next year. So Fans and Audiences wish is coming true. It has to be seen if Pawan Kalyan does any films after these three films.