Megastar Chiranjeevi, who is currently busy with Koratala Siva’s Acharya has a couple of high-profile remakes lined up next. He will be next seen in the remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer. The film originally starred Mohanlal in the lead role and Chiranjeevi will be reprising his role. The film was launched earlier this year and Mohan Raja will be directing this film
Post Lucifer, Chiranjeevi will be seen in another remake. This remake will be of 2015 Tamil film Vedalam which starred Ajith in the lead role. Mehr Ramesh will direct the Telugu remake.
Interestingly, it is being rumoured that Keerthy Suresh will feature in the crucial role of Chiru’s younger sister. The role is quite important in the film and was played by Lakshmi Menon in the Tamil version.
If this actually works out, it will be an interesting casting choice and is sure to set the screen on fire for the fans. Chiranjeevi meanwhile is looking to wrap up Acharya which is already quite delayed before he moves to Lucifer.
Keerthy Suresh is currently busy shooting for Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata.