Chennai Rains will have a big effect on Animal Movie and Nayanthara’s upcoming film, Annapoorani. Along with Chennai, other districts in Tamil Nadu are heavily impacted by huge rains and cyclone that will have a bigger impact on the openings of Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal.
Nayanthara’s female centric film Annapoorani is getting released tomorrow, which will also be impacted by the rains and also a small film named Parking which received massive reviews from the premier shows is also getting released tomorrow. All these films will have a big effect on their openings as the Chennai rains are expected to continue for a few more days. For the new releases, first day and weekend numbers are very crucial.
The film ‘Parking’ was directed by Ramkumar Balakrishnan and Harish Kalyan, Indhuja Ravichandran, M S Bhaskar, Rama, and Prarthana in main characters. The film’s promotional videos have generated a lot of interest, and it concerns a dispute between two families in the same apartment parking their cars. The cinematography was handled by Jiju Sunny, and the editing was done by Philomin Raj.
Nayanthara is one of the leading heroines in the South, and she regularly chooses to focus on female-oriented topics. She plays one such character in this week’s release ‘Annapoorani’, which is directed by Nilesh Krishna. This is Nayanthara’s 75th film as an actress, and it depicts a Brahmin girl who enters a cooking contest to take on the challenge.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that Chennai and other districts in Tamil Nadu will experience intense rain, thunderstorms, and lightning today. Schools in Chennai, Chengalpattu, Ranipet, and Kanchipuram districts have declared this day a holiday, as well as both schools and colleges in Thiruvallur.
On Wednesday, many low-lying regions in Chennai and other districts in Tamil Nadu were battered by heavy rain. Many streets in Chennai, Kanchipuram, and Thiruvallur were flooded with almost knee-deep water, as shown in social media images. Massive traffic jams were caused in Chennai due to the consistent rain.
The Chennai corporation has set up helpline numbers in the city for those who require assistance due to the rain. An orange alert from the Met Department has been issued for the capital of Tamil Nadu and its neighboring districts on December 2 and 3, which indicates there is a chance of heavy to very heavy rainfall.