Senior actor Dr. Rajasekhar is not in the news for long time. But now a news is circulating about him for wrong reasons. It is heard that a cheating case is filed against Rajasekhar and his wife Jeevitha. PSV Garuda Vega producer and Jyo Star Enterprises founder Koteswara Raju and his wife Hema have filed a cheating case against the actor couple. The complaint states that the couple allegedly cheated the producer in the matter of Rs 26 Crore.
According to the producers, Rajsekhar took Rs 26 Crores as finance by guaranteeing some properties. However, Rajasekhar and Jeevitha allegedly transferred their properties to others and sold the property without clearing the loans. The producers stated that they will solve this legally as they have all the documents, cheques and promissory notes of Jeevitha Rajasekhar.
As per the reports a cheque bounce case and cheating case were filed against Rajasekhar and Jeevitha. The actor couple did not respond to the allegations. More details are yet to reveal about the case.