Tollywood Actor Raj Tarun has stuck in a legal wrangle. The Actor who is not so busy doing films now is alleged to have cheated a girl in the name of marriage. The girl named Lavanya has lodged a complaint against Raj Tarun in Hyderabad for cheating her. The case has attracted many people’s attention now as Raj Tarun holds a soft outlook.
According to Lavanya in her complaint, Raj Tarun had promised her to marry. They both have been in a relationship for 11 years. She even alleges that they had married each other and submitted some photos relating to that before the police. She accused him of cheating her after his relationship with an actress. The girl also fears of being murdered if she doesn’t leave Raj Tarun.
This has really shocked everyone as Raj Tarun never involved himself in such rumours. It needs to be seen how he responds to this. He has lastly worked for Naa Saami Rangaa starring Nagarjuna in the lead role. The Actor is also currently doing two films Tiragabada raa Saami and Bhale Unnade. These news of Actors getting involved in cases has become a normal thing now. We have seen how Kannada Actor Darshan got involved in a murder case.