Kollywood’s most anticipated film, Kanguva which released recently acquired a negative response from the audience. This was a big shocker to the audience and makers as well. No one expected such low quality content as alleged by the audience from the film. This prompted the makers to come up with an edited version of Kanguva in the theatres from the second day. But these changes made to Kanguva are still not helping.
People to who watched Kanguva complained of loud sound and screams coming out from many characters in the film. The BGM composed by Devi Sri Prasad was also felt too loud. The makers have realised this issue immediately and changed the sound mixing reducing the sound. Some portions during the climax fight were also added newly to this changed version. But these changes didn’t attract the audience as expected by the makers.
Kanguva grossed more than just 40 crores worldwide on the opening day shocking all. The Day 2 gross will be less than half of this indicating a futher decline. Moreover, the other released which released during Diwali, Amaran and Lucky Baskhar have still been running strong and are attracting more audience. This has also affected Kanguva which received a negative word of mouth. Trade analysts believe that Kanguva may even close below 100 crore mark worldwide. This is a big disastrous result.