Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna’s upcoming film, Aranmanai 4 directed by Sundar C is slated for release on 26th April this month. The film’s first looks and trailer have released already which showcased Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna going at their glamourous best. Now, the question is can Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna’s glamour draw audiences to the theatres?
Aranmanai 4 is 4th film in the Aranmanai film franchise. These films feature a horror comedy plot. Aranmanai became a big hit and then the sequels followed didn’t score the same success. Now, with Aranmanai 4 the team looks like banking entirely on Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna’s Glamour. The song Achacho/Panchuko has been released today to further promote the film where Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna danced in ravishing costumes.
The film’s few portions were shot in Telugu to appeal to Telugu Audiences. It is also titled Baak in Telugu. Srinivasa Reddy and Vennela Kishore played the comic roles for the Telugu Audiences. But recently the Tamil movie market has gotten worse in Telugu States. Very few Tamil films did well. The Aranmanai series enjoys a fanbase here as well. So it has to be seen if the film works out with the glamour show of Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna on the top.