Radhe Shyam starring Prabhas and Pooja Hegde is releasing tomorrow. Andhra Pradesh government on Monday approved a new G.O. on permitting new shows and ticket price hikes. Makers of Radhe Shyam waited for long and even postponed their film’s release for this ticket price hike. Even Telangana government too allowed the 5th show. It looks that Radhe shyam is about to create records. But what one wonders is can Prabhas create this all time and unique record with Radhe Shyam.
Prabhas who once was a regional hero became the country’s sensation over night with the huge success of Bahubali. The hardwork and dedication he put into the film swept the people completely. So much so that he was considered as Bollywood hero now. Prabhas did Sahoo as his next Pan-Indian film after Bahubali. This film was a stylish action drama. Still it managed to gross more than 100 crores alone in Bollywood market which is shocking. Bahubali anyways made even bigger than this.
Prabhas has a record of scoring 100 crores+ openers consecutively with Bahubali 2 and Sahoo worldwide. But the question is can he create the same record again for the third time with Radhe Shyam. If he does this, he will be the only hero to have three 100 crore opener films consecutively. Well this is a major feat. Let’s wait and see what happens.