Bellamkonda Srinivas’ Chatrapathi is in its shooting phase and a poster from the film dropped in earlier today. The poster features the young hero in an all-muscular look from the famous beach fight scene from the film. The action thriller will release on 12th May and movie lovers are curious as to how the movie pans out.
VV Vinayak is making his Bollywood debut with this film and it’s being made on a huge budget. Right from the day the movie was announced, the question of whether Bellamkonda Srinivas can match Prabhas’ macho style has been reverberating everywhere.
Chatrapathi which was released in 2005 remains a fan favorite and featured Prabhas in a rugged and stylish look and SS Rajamouli’s raw taking made the movie a huge hit. Now the question remains whether Vinayak and Srinivas can match the magic of the original.
The film is being made on a grand scale and Bellamkonda Srinivas will undergo a complete makeover to play an action-packed role, originally played by Prabhas. Chatrapathi Hindi remake is being produced by Jayantilal Gada’s Pen Studios.
The actor is also brushing up his Hindi skills as he wants to dub for the film by himself. He has appointed a famous Hindi coach, Imtiaz to train him in the nuances of the language. Chatrapathi will be shot in Hindi and will be dubbed in Telugu and Tamil.