Fans are eagerly waiting for Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The hype for the movie is growing day by day especially after Mahesh’s recent statement that the film will have Pokiri vibes and will have a lot of high-octane action sequences and moments for fans.
This is terrific news for movie lovers eager to catch vintage Mahesh on screen. However, there’s also a buzz doing rounds that the movie’s release date might be postponed by a few weeks. An official update on the same will come out soon.
The reason for this is that Mahesh Babu will not be available till February due to his knee surgery. There are also a few reshoots happening with other cast members and Parasuram is taking utmost care to ensure the best possible output comes out. Both Mahesh and Parasuram are not taking any chances on the quality.
Due to all these factors, Sarkaru Vaari Paata might be moving to April 29th. The makers are planning premiers premiers for April 28th which coincides with the Pokiri release date.
Thaman shared that audio updates of Sarkaru Vaari Paata will roll out from January 2022. Mahesh’s GMB Entertainments along with Mythri Movie Makers and 14 Reels Plus are producing this action entertainer.