Megastar Chiranjeevi and Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Acharya has taken a severe beating at the box office. The film released on 29th April amidst mostly negative reviews and extremely low buzz. Even on the first day, Acharya saw terrible occupancies and it noticed severe drops on the second day with the trend continuing on following days as well.
The film ended up being the biggest disaster in Tollywood and the makers and Koratala Siva have promised that they will compensate for the losses. The makers had promised that they will arrange a meeting soon to fix a compensation amount.
Despite such a delay, there is no update about this meeting and buyers are still waiting for clarity. All buyers are asking for 50% of rights as compensation as they recovered only 15%-25% of the rights.
The movie was released amidst mostly negative reviews with many terming it the weakest movie by Koratala Siva so far. Acharya’s outdated storyline and subpar screenplay ended up being its biggest drawbacks. Pooja Hegde, Sonu Sood, and Jishu Sengupta featured in prominent roles. Konidela Production Company and Matinee Entertainment bankrolled this ambitious project.