The Kannada film ‘Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare’ was a blockbuster and received good amount of appreciation from the audiences with its unique blend of comedy and emotions. The creativity of the debutante director Nithin Krishnamurthy and the ensemble new cast contributed to the success of the movie, and it became a sensation in the Kannada cinema. The film was released in Telugu as ‘Boys Hostel’ on this Saturday, August 26th. To strengthen the film’s run at the box office, the makers have now come up with buy one, get one ticket offer in Telugu states.
Boys Hostel was released on August 26th and the Telugu audiences loved the film and to make the collections even better, the team came up with a new promotional strategy to attract the audiences. From tomorrow in all major cities, the film has buy one, get one ticket offer.
Chai Bisket Films and Annapurna Studios have collaborated on Boys Hostel, and they have done aggressive promotions means to reach a wider audience in Telugu. Adding further intrigue to the project is the presence of cameos by well-known names of Kannada Cinema like Rishab Shetty, Pawan Kumar, Shine Shetty and Reshmi.
Presented by Rakshit Shetty under Paramvah Photos and with musical compositions by Ajaneesh Loknath, “Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare” was a joint venture between Gulmohur Films and Varrun Studios.