With his debut film Uppena, Director Buchi Babu got a good recognition in the industry, and he is making his next film with Ram Charan. The young director elaborated on his upcoming films and clarified about the project of NTR being cancelled. He also stated that the script of Ram Charan and NTR films is different.
After Uppena Buchi Babu was supposed to work with NTR, and he waited for a lot of time for the project and multiple discussions had also happened between them. Everything looked good, and the film was about to start the shoot, but because of NTR’s ongoing commitments he had to leave the project.
After that, Buchi Babu went to Ram Charan and he immediately liked the script and announced it as his next film. Because of this, rumors were spread in the industry circles that the script of Buchi Babu – NTR project is being used for the film with Ram Charan.
However, the director Buchi Babu himself clarifies that both scripts are different, and he also stated that his project with NTR is very much on, and they will work on the film after the present commitments are over.