Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej starrer Bro The Avatar, which was released in theaters on July 28th, is now streaming on OTT. The film started to stream online from last night on Netflix. On the same day, multiple films were released in theaters and OTT as well. So Bro movie had a tough competition upon its digital release, but quite surprisingly, the film is receiving a good response from the viewers.
The film had received mixed response when it released in theaters and the film did not do well at the box office also as it failed to create the required buzz. However, the people who watched the movie in OTT today posting good responses on the internet and praising the content. This has appear to be a surprising result.
The only issue the viewers had with the overall was the unnecessary references of. Pawan Kalyan’s old songs and cheap productions values. But the rest of the content seems to have worked for the people. The references of Pawan Kalyan being not agreeing with the narrative of the film was the main reason for mixed response during the theatrical run of Bro The Avatar.
Apart from Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, Bro also stars Priya Prakash Varrier, Ketika Sharma, Brahmanandam, Rohini Molleti, Subbaraju, Tanikella Bharani, and Raja Chembolu played crucial roles. TG Vishwa Prasad produced the film, Bro The Avatar under the banner of People Media Factory along with ZEE Studios. Trivikram Srinivas, the close friend of Pawan Kalyan handled the writing of the film and Samuthirakhani is the director.