Pawan Kalyan’s Bro movie is igniting a political fire for a few days. Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Minister Ambati Rambabu’s latest comments on the film have become the reason for Controversy. Ambati had also provided the details of the collections of the film. He made harsh comments that Bro The Avatar is an utter flop. He went on to give warning to the filmmakers and writers to take care regarding scenes in the film.
However, producer TG Vishwa Prasad said that there is no need to take political allegations seriously. He said that there is no need to prove to anyone that Bro movie became a blockbuster. Vishwa Prasad said that there he will inform the agencies if needed and not an individual.
Producer TG Vishwa Prasad has responded to the Bro movie’s controversy in a strong way and countered Ambati Rambabu’s comments. Ambati was angry that 30 years, Prithvi’s scene in the film had been put to troll his dancing. Since yesterday, he has been holding press conferences and giving warnings to film producers, directors, and writers (especially Trivikram).
Vishwa Prasad responded to the controversy. “I also watched Ambati’s video. He danced in perfect sync. But Shyambabu’s dance in the film was not in sync. I don’t find any more common thing than the night dress in both of them.” He also responded to Rambabu’s remarks about Bro collections. Rambabu alleged that the collections are being reported that the film has crossed Rs 100 crore, but in the reality, only Rs 60 crore has been gathered by the film.
To this, Vishwa Prasad responded by saying that there is no need to tell everyone how much is the cost of the film, and how much remuneration has been given to the hero and how many collections have come.
Normally, when any film faces a controversy after the release, the producers always want to settle the things in a positive manner and sometimes producers will be ready to apologize as well. But Bro movie’s producer is not getting at back, and he is countering strongly. He said he did not take this issue on a serious note until now, but if he takes this as a serious one, then he knows how to let him down (Ambati Rambabu) with his legal team.