Comedy legend Brahmanandam will soon be seen in an interesting character in an upcoming movie Pelli SandaD. The movie will be directed by veteran director K Raghavendra Rao and will star Srikanth’s son Roshan. Incidentally, it was Srikanth who played the lead role in the original Pelli Sandadi again directed by K Raghavendra Rao in 1996.
Meanwhile, Brahmanandam, who was last seen in a judge character in Jathi Ratnalu will be playing an interesting role in Pelli SandaD. The role will be based on the ‘Buildup Babai’ the famous character of Getup Seenu from TV comedy show Jabardasth. The character received great applause for its uniqueness and outlandish behaviour. And now with Brahmanandam playing the same character, it will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Usually, some popular characters make their way to the Jabardasth stage from movies. But, for the first time, a reversal is happening. It is being reported that Brahmanandam’s role is going to be limited but impactful and he has already completed filming his portion. The film is also nearing its completion and a release date will be announced soon.